Fun things to do with computers and photographs
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photohack reject images tags
This command removes the specified images from the current album. The original image files, along with any generated images, are moved to the Wastebin directory. This enables images to be recovered later, or at least until such time as the Wastebin directory is deleted.


The images are specified by image IDs and tags. Any images or tags that don’t make sense are ignored silently.

This enables rejection of images to be done as a two-step process, if needed. During image selection, instead of using reject, use the tags command to tag the images to be rejected, with for example, the tag “bad.” For example:

$ photohack tags +bad 12 15

This enables images to be untagged later:

$ photohack tags -bad 12

The tagged images can be deleted with:

$ photohack reject bad


Reject a range of images:

$ photohack reject 12-17

Reject a variant of an image:

$ photohack reject 5a

Reject all images with the tag “bad”:

$ photohack reject bad