Fun things to do with computers and photographs
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photohack variant images tags +/-tags options
Create a “variant” of each of the specified images. The variant name will be the image ID, with a letter from a to z appended onto it.


Often, multiple versions of an image may be required. For example, you may want different crops, or a slightly different toning, or a black-and-white version. Photohack handles this need with the concept of a “variant” — in essence this means that it’s the same image, but with different options used to process it.

An image variant has a name with a letter from a to z tacked onto it. For example, if the image ID is 0910b-0137, then the first variant created will be 0910b-0137a, the next 0910b-0137b, and so on. (The corresponding friendly IDs, used on the command line, will be 137, 137a, 137b, and so on.

When the variant is created, the name of the new variant will be printed. If creating variants of more than one image, it can be helpful to add a tag at the same time – that way all of the new variants can be referred to with a single tag. (See Examples.) In addition, options can be provided to override those of the original image.

See Working with variants and custom processing for more information on variants.


Create a variant of image 7:

$ photohack variant 7

Create a variant of several images, and tag them all “newbw”:

$ photohack variant 7 9 12-15 +newbw